Note: New Price will take effect from 26 September
Coated with Hyaluronan, it enhances the sexual experience with more moisture and pleasure effect.
Enjoy the experience with the added moisturizing sensation. Not to mention it nourishes your partner too. Love-making session is not going to be the same with the deep moisturizing and skin like feel experience.
Color | Natural |
Shape | Reservoir-ended |
Nominal Width | 52 ± 2mm |
Normal Length | 180 ± 10mm |
10's Box Weight | 30g |
Customs Taxes, Duties & Permit
For international orders, please note that our shipping cost does not include any applicable taxes and duties by customs in the country where you want the order to be delivered.
Your order may be eligible for import taxes.
You may be required to hold a permit to import these good. It is your responsibility as a customer to check with your local customs authorities on the import regulations prior to placing your order.
If such required permit, taxes, duties or any required documentations are not provided upon request, thus resulting in unsuccessful shipping, Okamoto has the full rights to deny any request for refund.
Long lasting power guaranteed | Duracell 9V batteries are multi - purpose alkaline batteries ideal for reliably powering everyday devices |
Duralock technology keeps unused Duracell batteries fresh and powered for up to 5 years in ambient storage |